Siletz Tribe Receives Major Grant to Aid Tribes in Returning Sea Otters to Oregon and Northern California 

Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Press ReleaseJanuary 21st, 2025 Tribal Chairman Delores Pigsley of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (CTSI) has announced that the Tribe has been awarded a…

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Oregon’s Sea Otter Awareness Week: Join Us for Exciting Events & Conservation Efforts!

The Elakha Alliance, an Oregon non-profit working to restore sea otters to the Oregon coast, invites the public to celebrate Sea Otter Awareness Week (SOAW) September 22-28, 2024. The Alliance…

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Local Scholars Reveal History of Sea Otters, a Now-Absent Cultural Keystone Species in Oregon

Press Release from Oregon Historical Quarterly: A special section of the Oregon Historical Society’s Oregon Historical Quarterly highlights sea otter history in the Pacific NorthwestNote: Elakha Alliance Board Memebers Cameron La…

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Jacobsen Salt Co. & Elakha Alliance Return in 2023 with Limited Edition Sea Otter Salt Tins

It's been two years since we first teamed up with the Jacobsen Salt Co. for their 10th Anniversary, where they launched a 2021 special edition slide tin to help raise awareness and…

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Webinar: Sea Otter Reintroductions – Honoring Balance and Relationality Along the Coast (5/25/23)

University of Washington School of Marine and Environmental Affairs graduate students Isabel Jamerson, Danny Kosiba and Olivia Horwedel will be sharing their research they have conducted alongside The Elakha Alliance.…

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Webinar: Reintroductions and Other Conservation Translocations w/ Dr. Philip Seddon (5/11/23)

Join the Elakha Alliance and Defenders of Wildlife for a joint webinar entitled: Reintroduction and Other Conservation Translocations. We are honored to have Dr. Philip Seddon, a renowned expert on wildlife…

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Read more about the article Oregon’s Sea Otters – Shoreline Education for Awareness Presentation (4/15/23) – Bandon, OR
Doug Meek, Getty Images

Oregon’s Sea Otters – Shoreline Education for Awareness Presentation (4/15/23) – Bandon, OR

The Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA) group is hosting a seminar presented by Jan Hodder at 1:00pm on April 15th at the Bandon Library (1204 11th St SW, Bandon, OR 97411). Jan…

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Elakha Alliance Guest Presenter – American Cetacean Society Oregon Chapter (11/12/2022)

Join Peter Hatch as represents the Elakha Alliance in the Virtual Speaker Series for the American Cetacean Society-Oregon Chapter in November. Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve, Port Orford, OR. Photo by…

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Oregon Ocean Paddling Society Monthly Meeting – Elakha Alliance (6/29/22)

Oregon Ocean Paddling Society Monthly Meeting featuring the Elakha Alliance Point Lobos Foundation Virtual Chapter MeetingJune 29th, 20226:30pm-8:00pm Register for virtual meeting here. Join Chanel Hason, Director of Outreach &…

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OMSI Science Pub: Sea Otters – Bringing Oregon’s Climate Change Warriors Back (6/21/22)

Sea Otters: Bringing Oregon's Climate Change Warriors Back with Bob Bailey, Elakha Alliance Board President and Chanel Hason, Elakha Alliance Director of Outreach and Community Relations and marine biologist Point…

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Relationships Between Elakha & Sense of Place on Oregon’s South Coast – SWOCC Speaker Series (4/4/2022)

Event is Free to Students and Community Members This Conference is dedicated to the life and legacy of Chief Don Ivy. Chief Ivy was an esteemed member of the Elakha…

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Sharing Space with Sea Otters: A Case Study of Coexistence in a Crowded World (3/29/22)

Balancing Sea Otter & Human Interactions The Elakha Alliance is thrilled to invite Sea Otter Savvy's Founder and Director, Gena Bentall, and Science Communication Director, Heather Barrett, to tell the…

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Nature Night: Restoring Sea Otters to the Oregon Coast: An Ecological and Cultural Imperative (11/9/21)

Join the Elakha Alliance with the Portland Audubon Society The Elakha Alliance is pleased to be the guest presenter for the Portland Audubon's Nature Night series. Join Bob Bailey, Board…

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Webinar: Dive into a Changing Ecosystem: Kelp Forests & Urchin Barrens (6/24/21)

Blue Banner What Can We Learn From California's Ever-Changing Kelp Forest Ecosystem? Photo: Kate Vylet, Monterey Bay We are excited to invite Kate Vylet, underwater photographer, scientific diver, and divemaster…

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Webinar: The Art of Science and Envisioning Information w/ Skye Morét (6/10/21)

Blue Banner Understanding Research Through Unique Visualizations Liina Klauss, Moritz Stefaner, Skye Moret, Perpetual Plastic KŸnstlerin, Artist , Trash , Trash Walk ©Massine How does one channel a life of…

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Webinar: The Return of Oregon’s Sea Otters – Considering the Cultural Dimensions of Restoration (4/20/21)

Blue Banner Culture & Sea Otters in Oregon It is hard to appreciate the cultural importance of a species that disappeared from Oregon’s coastal waters over a century ago. What…

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Urchins, Kelp, and Sea Otters: A Webinar for Oregon’s Freedive & Scuba Community

Don't miss this informative webinar on Thursday, January 21st at 6:30pm, sponsored by the Oregon Freediving Company. Wildlife Biologist and Elakha Outreach Director John Goodell, and Oregon Kelp Alliance Coordinator…

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Joint Webinar Co-hosted by Environment Oregon: Oregon’s Kelp Ecosystem & Sea Otters

Blue Banner Join the Elakha Alliance and Environment Oregon on September 23rd at 6:00pm, for a joint webinar discussing the status of the kelp ecosystem in Oregon, including conservation issues…

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Webinar: Legal and Economic Dimensions of Sea Otter Reintroduction

Species re-introductions involve complex biological, legal, and social consideration for agencies, scientists, stakeholders, and communities. However, evaluating a species associated with effects on economically valuable resources, makes assessments and input…

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Read more about the article Webinar: What can we learn from past reintroductions to prepare us for an Oregon plan?
Photo taken in California on May 7, 2017.

Webinar: What can we learn from past reintroductions to prepare us for an Oregon plan?

The Elakha Alliance and the Defenders of Wildlife are pleased to announce a joint webinar that explores sea otter restoration in adjacent Pacific coast regions where recovery efforts have occurred.…

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